

Largest Integrated Manufacturer of API Paracetamol in the World

Paracetamol, being the safest & the most affordable Analgesic & Antipyretic drug, is used for treating fever, flu, body pain and cold. Equipped with the largest capacity of 53000 MTPA which results in the production of around 96.1 billion tablets a year, touching almost every human life on the face of earth, is a small miracle.

Quality, as our motto, is behind our growth and achievement enabling us to have a covetous list of customers including all MNCs and domestic pharma majors.

Technical Specification

A. Powders Code Application
Powder P 101 Granulation for Tablets
Fine Powder P 102 Liquid Syrup
Micro Fine Powder P 103 Suspension Grade
B. Coarse Powders Code Application
Dense P 201 Granulation for Tablets
High Dense P 202 Capsule Grade
Free Flowing P 203 Encapsulation Grade
C. Any Tailor made specification
D. Batch Size   4 MT TO 8 MT -helps reduce In-House Laboratory Work

Pharmacopoeial Specifications

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